About the JWP Award

The James William Proctor Book Award (JWP) was established under Wesley Proctor Ministries, Inc. in January 2008. This award is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Proctor's three deceased loved ones. Dr. Proctor states, "For years, it has been a relentless desire of mine to honor the legacy of my grandfather, father and brother, while enriching the lives of others."


This unique award serves the threefold vision of Wesley Proctor Ministries which is to enrich, educate and empower. The financial assistance provided by the JWP Award is unique in that it is not a scholarship, but a monetary award of $150.00 made payable directly to each award recipient and purposed exclusively to offset the cost of curriculum books for students in their freshman year of college. After grants, scholarships and loans have been applied to college tuitions and fees, there is still the burden of expensive required books to purchase. This is where the JWP Book Award serves to help meet that need.


In 2008, the JWP Award was distributed to 19 of Philadelphia's high school seniors matriculating to college. Dr. Proctor's goal for the current 2009 year was to acquire ample donor sponsorship to increase the recipient number to 50 students! The word impossible is simply not a factor to be considered in the mindset of Dr. Proctor. In May 2009, Wesley Proctor Ministries sent award notifications to 50 of Philadelphia's high school seniors, informing that they'd been selected to receive the JWP Award.


The 2nd Annual James W. Proctor Award Banquet was held on May 21, 2009, to publicly present the student recipients with their monetary award and certificate. This banquet affords the students and their respective families an opportunity to personally meet and dine with their award donors. Dr. Proctor shares, "It is of utmost importance that youth demonstrate school involvement, community service and extra curricular activities that enhance character and leadership development." This banquet also offers students a chance to personally express their gratitude to their respective donors.


Dr. Proctor strongly avers "There must be a spiritual balance as we teach and educate. Each one of us has a predetermined destination to reach. This has been ordained by God Himself for our lives. Wesley Proctor Ministries is committed to empowering others to achieve their God-given destiny -- admonishing others to reach that predetermined destination that has already been established before the foundation of the world."


A guiding Scripture reference that Wesley Proctor Ministries embraces is:


This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth; but you shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou may observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then you shalt make your way prosperous, and then you shalt have good success. Joshua 1:8 (KJV)


Dr. Wesley Proctor has authored two books, How to Give Your Pastor a Happy Anniversary, and Footprints of the Future: A Youth Journal . He is the Executive Administrator of Victory Christian Center and has been a cutting-edge youth pastor since 2004. With all these in tow, he still gracefully executes the relentless demands of ministry and is an icon of the School of the Word Bible Institute.


Apply for the James William Proctor Book Award today!


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