Our Mission Statement


Wesley Proctor Ministries is committed to becoming a cutting-edge global force, purposed to impact generations by transcending socio-economic status, gender, age and race, while promoting spiritual and academic excellence.


Our Three-fold Vision:


1. Enrich the lives of all people through the teaching of the Word of God


2. Educate others through written publications, seminars, activities and programs


3. Empower others to achieve their God-given destiny


Wesley Proctor Ministries and its founder and director, Dr. Wesley T. Proctor, believe that there is a God-given purpose and destiny for every man, woman and child. This ministry was birthed to provide dynamic yet sound teaching, demonstrate human compassion and understanding, exemplify effective leadership and to inspire and challenge all to develop and increase spiritually and academically, in accordance with biblical truths and principles.


This ministry endeavors to be an inexhaustible resource for, but not limited to, the Body of Christ. WP Ministries aims to be a ministry without walls, reaching and communicating to churches and the Christian believer, but also to those whom society deems as "undesirable." Those bound by prison bars, wayward juveniles, those with disabilities and those with seemingly unbreakable addictions -- God has a purpose for each of us!


Wesley Proctor Ministries serves to enrich, educate and empower!


Wesley Proctor Ministries, Inc. is a non-profit Christian organization, headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.



 This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth; but you shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou may observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then you shalt make your way prosperous, and then you shalt have good success.


Joshua 1:8 (KJV)


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